Friday, April 18, 2014

when eating eats me

The moment I knew it was definitely time to get help for my eating disorder was after I had blacked out in my kitchen. One summer night in 2009 my roommate and I baked brownies for an evening treat and I didn’t hesitate to fill right up on that sugary goodness! The problem was I had not eaten much else the entire day. At the end of the evening we went back to the kitchen to wrap up the brownies and suddenly everything went black around me and the next thing I knew I was on the floor. Delusional, I thought I had fallen asleep for about 30 seconds until I realized my roommate had caught me as I went unconscious for about 10 seconds. If I had eaten more food that day I would never have had such a dramatic sugar crash. This story is a great way to introduce what I would like to write a little bit about; the struggles of having and/or recovering from an eating disorder.

At this time it was really hard to talk about what was going on inside my head, I had a hard time expressing that trying to eat was eating at my mind and soul, and in turn I was doing terrible things to my body.  It was embarrassing that I didn’t feel comfortable eating like everyone else, and that I hated being in my own skin. I knew that I needed to do whatever it took to be healthy, and although I was ready, it was extremely hard and seemed like and endless process. I was constantly trying to muster up the courage to talk about it with trusted professionals and loved ones. It was really hard for me to feel all the feelings and anxieties of learning to eat and live healthily, but I found that a great way for me to get out all of these negative emotions was through writing.  I wrote a rap/poem in early 2010 right when I was starting to put an end to all of my eating disordered behavior, that I would like to share, and I think it expresses very well the anguish this situation was causing me.

There’s no surprise you can see it in my eyes, because I feel it in my thighs,
but I’ll keep eating all those pies, cakes and chocolate bars, 
it’s all I think about and it’s hard, it’s fuckin’ tearing me apart,
when all I dream about are tarts.
But eating them would not be smart, cuz it will bring me to the start, 
of this process I call art.
The fucking art of losing weight, and when it happens I’ll feel great.
Succeeding might take away the hate that is filling up my plate.
           I’m sick of being in this state of mind, I’m in a terrible bind,
           I know I’m one of a kind, but sometimes it’s hard to find light,
when all my clothes feel so tight, it keeps me awake at night, 
hoping I will win this fight. But I know it isn’t right, 
because I do this every time, constant restricting at it’s prime,
this many diet pills are fine, does it seem like a crime?
On my insides, and it’s affecting other lives.
But despite this finite point of view, it’s the hardest thing to do,
when all  want is to eat food, but I can’t because it’s rude to my mood and I dilute myself into believing eating is quite crude if I want to feel good nude… and I hate that this is true.

Writing this piece was a good way for me to let out what was going on in my head and also gave some insight into what I was doing to myself. Getting through my eating disordered behavior was the hardest thing I have done in my life so far. It was fully life consuming, causing depression, and anxiety that I had never experienced before. In the above writing it is clear the struggles my mind was going through and all the terrible things I was doing to myself. None of that would have changed and I probably would have permanently ruined my body (or worse) if I would not have gained the courage to seek help. I turned to the help of doctors at the University I was attending, as well as a therapist, and for a few months I also saw a Nutritionist who helped get me on a proper food plan over time. These people in combination with medication and my own persevering and constant efforts got me where I am today; eating happily and healthily and living my life!

 For now I am only sharing this small portion of my story because I would like to inspire and spread hope and for now not go so far in depth about my actual eating disorder struggles. I am open to questions and comments, and please feel free to reach out if you want to contact me personally; I understand the difficulties in voicing emotions and personal thoughts and I am more than happy to listen and help in any way I can! 
live life and love yourself!

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