Monday, April 21, 2014

it's in my head again

One of the worst parts about recovering from an eating disorder, is relapse. For so many reasons. I found that each relapse was worse and more damaging than the last. The thing that bothers me the most about relapse, is how slowly and silently it can creep in, and suddenly snatch you away before you even knew it was coming. I was free from eating disordered behavior for approximately 2 years until I moved to a new country. Away from friends and family, it was easy to slip down the slope from eating healthy to not wanting or caring about food. I want to share a rap that I wrote near the end of 2012 when I agonized for over a week whether or not to fully welcome my eating disorder back into my life

It’s getting in my head again, what has changed? 
Well, almost everything.
I can’t believe it could happen again, not saying it would but i’m rappin’ again
I’m worried because I promised myself not one more time
 But these feelings just aren’t healing and I’m not sure what kind of dealing
I feel like handling right now. 
I’m hoping admitting this won’t make it worse but these words keep invading my mind,
 I’m not blind, I want to listen to them
I know it’s so damn wrong and I’m not calm but there seems to be a palm reading going on
I’m strong but a part of me just wants to give in, like a sin, under my skin I just want to feel thin,
but I don’t want to pay the price, I’ve probably paid it more than twice, but am I willing to roll the dice? This is my warning cry, because if this happens again I might die, I don’t want to try those chances.
 No more dances or romances,
fuck that I’m not even 25 and I still feel so alive I must strive to survive
because now I love life

I just want it to be known that no matter how many times you relapse, or consider relapsing, getting out is always possible!

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